Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Lessons I Have Learned in My Life So Far...

Today, I started back into some journaling.  Every once in a while, I will take a "journal prompt" and write about it.  Today, I chose "10 Lessons I Have Learned in My Life So Far..."  I'm sure as soon as I publish this, I will think of 1,634 other "lessons" I could have picked.  But here's what I came up with!

  1. People flock to a cheerful personality.  No one (other than your close friends and some family) really cares about your problems and gripes.  You will get further in life with a positive, cheerful attitude.
  2. In real life, there is no rewind button.  Mistakes happen.  People disappoint.  No one is perfect.  All you can do is learn from these mistakes, make the best of it, and move on.
  3. Forgive.  "The difference between holding onto a hurt or releasing it with forgiveness is like the difference between laying your head down at night on a pillow filled with thorns or a pillow filled with rose petals."  The only person a grudge hurts is you.  
  4. Have fun.  Life is stressful enough.  Have as much fun as possible--as often as possible.
  5. Learn people's names.  Learn how to spell their names.  People want to feel valued.  Value those around you.  Everyone can bring something to the table.  Start learning their value by learning their names.
  6. Get excited!  About something.  About ANYTHING!!!  Always have something to look forward to.
  7. Love your family.  It doesn't have to be blood family.  Whoever you consider "family," love them.  Value them.  Know that no matter what, they love you and value you.  No matter if you fight, argue, them and know they love you.
  8. It's true...the older you get, the faster time flies!  Try to appreciate every moment you have.  Even the "boring" ones.
  9. Everything happens for a reason.  Many people don't believe that.  And maybe someday, something will happen to change my mind.  But when I look back, I truly believe everything happened for a reason.  Everything that happened in the past made us who we are today.  This doesn't mean that everything is good, but it does mean that I can look back on my life and appreciate the choices, options, and roads I've traveled.
  10. No matter what happens today, tomorrow always happens.  Mom always says that things look better after a good night's sleep.  It's true.  No matter how bad you think things are, tomorrow is a new day!

That was fun!  Do you have lessons that you have learned that you want to share????

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Elf on the Shelf!

Finished the "prototype" pillow!  I think I can make the real
one now!  Posing with our new "Elf on the Shelf," Brownie!

So I don't have kids.  HOWEVER, I have a love of fun things.  I recently found out about the "Elf on the Shelf" and I am in love!  This is the most fun idea and I love that he (or she....they have a skirt that you can get and *poof!* you have an elflette!  I know a lot of people were interested when I mentioned this on facebook, so here are some mischievous ideas for YOUR EOTS!

  • put green or red food coloring in the milk and wrap his arms around the jug
  • replace family pics with his face picture
  • sit him up by the stove with a mini marshmallow on the end of a toothpick and make him have a bonfire
  • have him draw mustaches on the faces of the people in pictures you have hanging up
  • squeeze toothpaste out into the bathroom sink
  • make a "snow angel" on the counter with flour or sugar
  • make a zipline with cord and a candy cane
  • set him up like he's reading a book to the other toys
  • hang him from a ceiling fan with a coloring picture taped to him.  Then have coloring pages on the floor like the fan blew them around
  • toilet paper a room, the christmas tree, or just a little area
  • have him "go fishing" into a bowl of gold fish crackers
  • have some army men "arrest" him
  • color the toilet water with green food coloring and glitter
  • replace the hanging stockings with undies!  Have him hanging from one of the stocking holders
  • sit him in front of a paper and have him "write a letter" to the kids
  • lay him in a "hammock" that you made out of something 
  • sit him in front of the TV and turn on a Christmas movie
  • make a fort out of legos and have a "snowball fight" with hot chocolate marshmallows
  • while the kids are sleeping, paint the tips of their noses red (like Rudolph!)  Have your EOTS hiding with a sign that says, "GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR!"  You can also hit his nose with a little red paint!
Do you have any fun EOTS ideas?!  I'd love to hear them!  

Very PINTERESTING!...........

Holy moly.........this website is RIDICULOUS!!!  I have made so many fun projects!  Of course you want to see them all in one place.......RIGHT?!

Paper Medallion--made from cardboard and pages out
of an old book!  I also added a small craft mirror.

A few years ago, I bought some frames at Target (on clearance!)
for $1.48 each.  I spray-painted one of them with a stone-finish
spray and allowed it to dry.  Meanwhile, I took a piece of
scrapbook paper and cut out a pumpkin template.  I hot glued
buttons on it, added a stick from my backyard as a stem,
and curled some floral wire around the top for pumpkin vines.

An old wire hanger, dollar store Christmas
bulbs and ribbon, and hot glue.  That's it!

Jute cord, beads, knots, and a button.  Instant bracelet!

Cardboard (cut into oval shapes), Fall scrapbook paper, jute
cord, floral wire, hot glue, and beads.  So simple!!!


Cardboard squares, clearance fabric, buttons, and hot glue!
Seriously........that's it!  I saw this idea on Etsy and it was
selling for $90!  (Hers was on canvas and her buttons were
sewn on) But I thought it wasn't too bad of a knock-off!

This is a TEMPLATE of a baby gift I'm making.  Hopefully
the real one looks better!  I made the pattern myself (out of
newspaper) and just eyeballed it.  I will post pics of the REAL
one when I'm finished!

Found this idea on Pinterest.  I had never heard of it, but
it is so stinkin' cute!  Google it and find out!!

My first recipe that I tried from Pinterest.
It was a pizza casserole.  Pretty good.  But once
I had it made, I realized it was just a glorified
Johnny Marzetti......I don't like Johnny Marzetti......
Oh well.......

So I'm pretty much obsessed with the website.  Come find me if you're interested in what I'm following!  (  And if you are curious about it and have yet to check it out, let me know your e-mail address and I'll invite you!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Back in the Saddle

I'm baaaaack!  Ok......So I was never really "gone."  But (as with everything I do in my life), I guess the whole blogging thing was a phase for me.  That being said, I'm gonna try to get back into least semi-regularly.  (Anyone who knows me will know that this will last for about a week and then I will get bored with I do!)

Not much has been going on....I know, I came here expecting to see LOTS of interesting happenings.  But come all know I'm boring, so I blame you for having such high expectations!

We did finally move (YAY!).  That's probably the biggest news.  Other than that, Jon started a new job and I am back to work!  PHEW! that the big news is out of the way......
. scrolled all the way down here.....expecting bigger news.....I told you....I got nothin'!

Um......I did find a really cool website (sorry...I can't remember who first told me about it, but my lovely cousin sent me the invite, so I'll credit her with it!)  Well, it's cool if you're a girl.....dudes probably wouldn't like it too much....feel free to correct me if any dudes are reading this.


It's awesome....and addicting......but more awesome than addicting (That's totally a lie......don't believe what I just said!)  If you want an invite, hit me up with your e-mail address and I will send you one!

Alright.......I'm cold and this house--as awesome as it is--doesn't clean itself.

Food for thought:  :-) / :-( = :-/'s true

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Call Me Crazy.......

21.44$ worth of stuff for 2.31$!  I saved 91%!
Yup......I caught it....I am officially hook-line-and sinkered.'s ridiculous.  I now understand why these people become hoarders of hand soap, collectors of deodorant, gatherers of canned goods, and squirrels of fabric softener.  In a word, it's: ADDICTING!  I literally had heart palpitations tonight as I scoured the shelves for what makes my 4th shopping trip since Sunday.  (I hit Meijer AND Kroger today)  I look at these people on these coupon shows and mock them!  I point my finger and laugh!  I make fun of how crazy they.........oh crap........I guess "we" are.  Ok ok...I'm not the crazy lady with a room dedicated to toilet paper........yet.  But I completely understand the thrill of paying next to nothing for stuff you'll actually use!  So go me crazy....say I'm wasting my time.  Tell me I should find better things to occupy my time.  Maybe you're right.  But in an economy that seems like we're paying more and more for every little thing....well....sometimes it's nice to win one.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just a nice little Saturday...

It finally happened...the first yard sales of the season.  I think Jon looks forward to that day as much as he does the first day of hunting season or Christmas!  He. Loves. To. Yardsale. Period.  And even though he didn't get home until almost 3AM, we were still up at 8 to start the day!

...and what a day it was.  We hit about 8 different sales and were amazed by all the JUNK people were trying to sell!  The highlights were:
  • a half-(eaten?) jar of baby food:  50¢
  • VHS tapes:  3$
  • Erotic fiction novels:  1$/each
  • a bag of condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, etc.):  2.50$
  • a bucket of clumped-up rock salt:  50¢
  • styrofoam meat trays (like from Kroger):  2.50$/5-pk.
...just to name a few. 

We did get some neat things though.  Jon bought the Adam Sandler CD (1996-ish) and was super pumped about it!  I got a few big vases.  Jon got a new gun rack and I got a nice oval stand mirror.  And no....we didn't buy any meat trays....

John and Mikaila at prom

Aaron and Andrea at prom

Last night was Amanda-Clearcreek's prom.  Both boys went and looked so nice!  And their dates were so pretty!  They both had beautiful dresses and their hair looked adorable!  However, neither of them were carrying a quarter in case they needed to make an emergency phone call...I was a little disappointed...just sayin'...

It was neat to see all the kids arrive.  Our proms weren't near the *production* that prom is today.  There were limos, Hummer limos, a Mercedes limo, and the General Lee.  But by far, the entrance of the evening had to go to these people:'s a combine!
These girls sure were troopers...I can't imagine climbing into a combine--in a dress--on prom night--in heels.  Wait...I don't even wear heels, so nevermind...

It was so cute though.  They had a catwalk and introduced each person/couple as they entered.  Some of the dresses were gorgeous!  Some of the dresses made Jon and I vow to never let our daughter dress like a skank.  And other dresses made us vow to never let our son DATE a skank!  (Ok...I "vowed"...Jon just got excited that our son would be going with someone who could wear one of those skanky dresses).

So all-in-all, not a bad Saturday.  Today's newspaper is supposed to have over 370$ worth of coupons, so I'm trying to rouse Jon out of bed to go buy the paper!  I'm hoping to stock up on styrofoam meat trays to sell at our yard sale this summer...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Extreme Couponing........or Extremely Crazy??? maybe I just don't have the knack for this so-called "extreme couponing."  I got a taste of it about 2 weeks ago when I meticulously clipped every coupon that I thought I might use.  I debated on which store to try, which day to go, etc., etc. and decided that I would try Kroger for two reasons:  1) they double all manufacturer's coupons up to 99¢, and B) the store is literally 30 seconds from my house...a minute if I have to kick my neighbor's cat out from under my vehicle (chill out....not really). 

So coupons clipped, list in hand, off we went.  Oh yeah.....Jon had to go, too...I see all these crazy women on TV who drag their husbands with them.  There was no way Jon was escaping this one! 

All in all, not a horrible trip.  Now I didn't save 101% like some of these wackos, but I did skip out of the store saving a hefty 52%!  Not too shabby IMO....I stocked up on the "bells and whistles" air fresheners (you know...the ones that are normally ~13$/each) for, like 3$ a piece.  Over 30$ of "smell goods" for ~8$ was my shining glory!  I caught the bug.  I wanted more....I was determined to beat that 52%...

Fast-forward to this week...a holiday weekend.  Apparently people don't want to save money the week after Resurrection Sunday (calm down...that's not blasphemous....that's the *apparent* truth).  So I had to rely on my past "stash" of coupons.  Nothing like the industrial-size Trapper Keeper that the woman on TV had, but more than nothing.  I also spent 1-1/2 hours yesterday skimming the circulars, clipping & printing online coupons (probably spent a few $$ in ink, now that I think about it!), and loading digital coupons onto my Kroger card....and off I went. 

Foiled....I ended up only saving 33% AND I couldn't (because I didn't have coupons to stack with the in-store savings!) even buy everything that I needed!  I really only needed toilet paper (I have minor panic attacks if we get down to less than 6 never know when a crisis will hit!!!) but I made myself wait to buy it because Carnival Foods had a 12-double roll pack for 4.88$!........4.88$!!!!!  They also had a big taco combo coupon that I HAD to cash in on.  The toilet paper required an additional 15$ NON-COUPON purchase...and the taco coupon required me to buy a minimum of 3 lbs. of ground beef.  I could handle this....

Needless to say, I wound up with enough taco "stuff" to feed my entire block (did I forget to mention that I had had doubled coupons the night before for taco products???) and I spent ANOTHER 33$ just so I could save 1.50$ on toilet paper...they got me.  They suckered me right in...

So I don't know if I am cut out for all this hardcore couponing.  Maybe it's not for me.  I made a special toilet paper trip!  If that's not crazy, I don't know what is! 

But if you're in the mood for tacos, feel free to stop by!